"La Petite Brocante is a carousel full of colours and poetry" Cecilia, Romanticodaristrutturare


"La Petite Brocante is a carousel full of colours and poetry" Cecilia, Romanticodaristrutturare


"La Petite Brocante is a carousel full of colours and poetry" Cecilia, Romanticodaristrutturare

Very blessed today to have been picked and liked by Cecilia, writer, publisher, psychologist and blogger at romanticodaristrutturare.com.


la petite brocante by romanticodaristrutturare

la petite brocante by romanticodaristrutturare


Cecilia has a lovely inspirational blog and likes to write about creative people and the stories behind artists, makers and all sorts of creative business owners.

If you fancy refreshing your Italian or just admiring the pictures on her lovely blog, you can follow her here.

Grazie e arrivederci!


Par Anne-Catherine VERWAERDE
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